Why Code Security Matters - Even in Hardened Environments | Sonar
Infrastructure hardening makes applications more resilient to attacks. These measures raise the bar for attackers, making exploitation more difficult. However, they should not be seen as a silver bullet, as determined attackers can still leverage ...
How we shrunk our Javascript monorepo git size by 94%
This isn't click bait. We really did this! We work in a very large Javascript monorepo at Microsoft we colloquially call 1JS. It's large not only in terms of GB, but also in terms of sheer volume of code and contributions. We recently crossed the ...
Should JavaScript be split into two languages? New Google-driven proposal divides opinion • DEVCLASS
A Google engineer presented a proposal to the official standardization committee that would split JavaScript into two languages, a core to be implemented by runtime engines and a more capable variant which depends on tools that compile it down to ...
Angular’s Approach to Partial Hydration - The New Stack
Everybody talks about partial hydration and its siblings terms — islands, progressive hydration, donut hydration, selective hydration — but what does it mean? And do frameworks actually support partial hydration?
Google Senior Software Engineer J...
Introducing Express v5: A New Era for the Node.js Framework
Announcing the release of Express version 5.
We want to recognize the work of all our contributors, especially Doug Wilson, who spent the last ten years ensuring Express was the most stable project around. Without his contributions and those of ma...