
An Honest Review of TanStack vs Next.js - YouTube
#nextjs #react #typescript #javascript In a world where every meta framework is focusing on the server, TanStack Start does the opposite so let's see where T. In a world where every meta framework is focusing on the server, TanStack Start does the...

Building a Teleprompter App in 30 mins using Vercel v0, Replit & Cursor.AI - YouTube
Walking you step by step through how I build a teleprompter app as a non-technical person with no coding education. To build this app, I used Vercel v0, Replit & Cursor.AI. If I can do it, you can do it, too.
Unlike other teleprompter apps out t...

TanStack Start: A Full-Stack React Framework but Client-First - YouTube
With the amazing developer experience of TanStack Router and its client-first approach, you'll fall in love with this new React meta-framework. That's a very strong alternative to NextJS if you're not too happy with the server-first paradigm.

React Router v7 IS HERE Should You Upgrade NOW? - YouTube
Today we go over react-router v7 release, should you upgrade to it, is it easy to upgrade or not, and should you care about this release!
👍 Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more episodes in this series! Join our coding community a...

Building a rich text editor with Svelte 5, by Michael Aufreiter — Svelte Summit Fall 2024 - YouTube
Reepolee -
Thrilled by the capabilities and simplicity of Svelte 5, I started working on a simple Svedit component. (think ProseMirror, but in less than 1000 lines of code).

JavaScript GameDev – Code a Sonic Runner Using Kaplay Library - YouTube
Learn how to build a sonic infinite runner game using JavaScript. In this course @JSLegendDev will teach you how to use the Kaplay game library for GameDev in JavaScirpt.
Live demo:
Source code: https:/...

Alpine, HTMX, Astro Stack Wordle App With Full Source! - YouTube
Wordle built using Alpine, HTMX, Astro and Tailwind!
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