CodeGenieApp/serverless-express: Run Express and other Node.js frameworks on AWS Serverless technologies such as Lambda, API Gateway, Lambda@Edge, and more.
01-Nov-2024 182
Starting a new software project? Check out Code Genie - a Full Stack App Generator that delivers a complete AWS Serverless project with source code, based on your data model. Including:
A React Next.js Web App hosted on Amplify Hosting
Serverless Express REST API running on API Gateway and Lambda
Cognito User Pools for Identity/Authentication
DynamoDB Database
Cloud Development Kit (CDK) for Infrastructure as Code (IAC)
Continuous Integration/Delivery (CI/CD) with GitHub Actions.
CodeGenieApp/serverless-express: Run Express and other Node.js frameworks on AWS Serverless technologies such as Lambda, API Gateway, Lambda@Edge, and more. #js #javascript #CodeGenieApp/serverless-express: #Express #other #Node.js #frameworks #Serverless #technologies #Lambda, #Gateway, #Lambda@Edge, #more. #api #aws #codegenieapp/serverless-express: #frameworks #serverless