Introducing the vlt Package Manager & Serverless Registry
15-Nov-2024 241
Luke Karrys
After spending the past six months heads-down, we’re excited to share our foundational Package Manager Client & Serverless Registry.
A New JavaScript Package Manager:
First up, we're introducing vlt, a brand new, free, and open-source JavaScript package manager. vlt goes beyond traditional package managers, laying the groundwork for a powerful, integrated platform that will streamline your development process. We’ve done this before. Having a team comprised of the creator & maintainers of npm we know about & care deeply about developer tools aimed at dependency management.
This first release delivers impressive performance installation & management capabilities of your Node.js dependencies. In most cases, vlt is a drop-in replacement for your existing package manager. The client may - at first glance - look similar to your run-of-the-mill package manager but we’re excited to offer an innovative new dependency query selector syntax, export formats (including Mermaid) & GUI experience to help lower the bar for understanding your dependency graphs.
Introducing the vlt Package Manager & Serverless Registry #js #javascript #Introducing #Package #Manager #Serverless #Registry #serverless