mikesmallhelp/wacat: wacat - Challenge Your Web App with AI-Driven Cat Chaos!
20-Nov-2024 163
Imagine, you leave your computer for a while and go to pick up a cup of coffee. Meanwhile, your cat walks over your keyboard and causes some chaos.
wacat (walking cat) application
Navigates to the root URL of your web application
Visits every link in your application in a random order
Inputs random text into forms
Selects random values from dropdown menus, checkboxes, etc
Clicks every button in a random order.
mikesmallhelp/wacat: wacat - Challenge Your Web App with AI-Driven Cat Chaos! #js #javascript #mikesmallhelp/wacat: #wacat #Challenge #AI-Driven #Chaos! #ai-driven #web https://javascript.ba/link/mikesmallhelp-wacat-wacat-challenge-your-web-app-with-ai-driven-cat-chaos