Think JavaScript Is Slow? Here's How JIT (Just In Time) Compilation Makes It 100x Faster Instantly | Royal Bhati's Blog
02-Mar-2025 31
I know most of you probably have a basic idea of why JavaScript is fast. And if I were to ask, many of you would probably say it's because of the V8 engine which is written in C++. Sure, but how does it work? This is the question I used to ask myself when I initially started learning JS. In this post, I decided to dig deeper into the internals of the JS engine and how it makes JS code run so fast.
The JIT bridges the gap between interpreted languages like JS and Python (which are flexible and slow) and AOT compiled languages like C/C++ (which are rigid and fast).
Think JavaScript Is Slow? Here's How JIT (Just In Time) Compilation Makes It 100x Faster Instantly | Royal Bhati's Blog #js #javascript #Think #JavaScript #Slow? #Here's #(Just #Time) #Compilation #Makes #Faster #Instantly #Royal #Bhati's #blog #javascript