Vue.js Tutorial: Beginner to Front-End Developer - YouTube
13-Oct-2024 296
In this comprehensive course, Jeremy McPeak will teach you the fundamental concepts you need to start building applications with Vue 3.
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UI frameworks have drastically changed the way we write web applications. There are many frameworks to choose from, and picking one can be hard. In this course, you'll learn why Vue.js is a great choice, and you'll discover how to use it in detail.
You'll start with building the simplest Vue components and learning to use core features like data binding, props, events, and computed properties. Then you'll build that knowledge step by step with practical projects learning how to use the Vue CLI, forms, watchers, and custom events. You'll also master key concepts like the Vue router and the Composition API.
By the end of this course, you'll be confident in using Vue.js for all your front-end development projects.
Vue.js Tutorial: Beginner to Front-End Developer - YouTube #js #javascript #Vue.js #Tutorial: #Beginner #Front-End #Developer #YouTube #developer #tutorial: #vue.js #youtube