
CodeGenieApp/serverless-express: Run Express and other Node.js frameworks on AWS Serverless technologies such as Lambda, API Gateway, Lambda@Edge, and more.
Starting a new software project? Check out Code Genie - a Full Stack App Generator that delivers a complete AWS Serverless project with source code, based on your data model. Including:
A React Next.js Web App hosted on Amplify Hosting

eshaz/wasm-audio-decoders: Browser and NodeJS Web Assembly audio decoder libraries that are highly optimized for size and performance.
WASM Audio Decoders is a collection of Web Assembly audio decoder libraries that are highly optimized for browser use. Each module supports synchronous decoding on the main thread as well as asynchronous (threaded) decoding through a built in Web ...

apexcharts/apexcharts.js: 📊 Interactive JavaScript Charts built on SVG
A modern JavaScript charting library that allows you to build interactive data visualizations with simple API and 100+ ready-to-use samples. Packed with the features that you expect, ApexCharts includes over a dozen chart types that deliver beauti...

Understanding npm audit and fixing vulnerabilities
When building a Node.js project, you often rely on third-party libraries to speed up development and take advantage of community-supported solutions. For example, you might use packages like axios to make HTTP requests or express to set up a serve...