
VladimirMikulic/route-list: Beautifully shows Express/Koa/Hapi/Fastify routes in CLI.
Before you can use route-list on your project, we first need to make sure it's configured properly. In order for route-list to work, we need to export server "app". The example below is for Express but it also applies to Koa (with @koa/router)/Hap...

ghostlexly/ultimate-expressjs-starter-kit: ๐ Battle ready ultimate expressjs typescript starter kit (REST API) ๐
Batteries-included TypeScript ExpressJS Backend (REST API)
This starter kit provides a robust foundation for building scalable and feature-rich REST APIs using ExpressJS and TypeScript.
๐ Key Features
๐ Core Functionality
Logging: Advanced loggin...

1111mp/nvm-desktop: Node Version Manager Desktop - A desktop application to manage multiple active node.js versions.
nvm-desktop is a desktop application that manages multiple Node versions in a visual interface. It is built with Tauri (supports macOS, Windows and Linux platform). With this application, you can quickly install, manage and use different versions ...