
DOMPurify - a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer
DOMPurify is a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG.
It's also very simple to use and get started with. DOMPurify was started in February 2014 and, meanwhile, has reached version v3.2.0.
DOMPurify is written...

micromark/micromark: small, safe, and great commonmark (optionally gfm) compliant markdown parser
The smallest CommonMark compliant markdown parser. With positional info and concrete tokens.
Feature highlights
compliant (100% to CommonMark)
extensions (100% GFM, 100% MDX.js, directives, frontmatter, math)
safe (by default)
robust (±2k tes...

Borewit/music-metadata: Stream and file based music metadata parser for node. Supporting a wide range of audio and tag formats.
Stream and file based music metadata parser for node. Supporting a wide range of audio and tag formats. - Borewit/music-metadata.Comprehensive Format Support: Supports popular audio formats like MP3, MP4, FLAC, Ogg, WAV, AIFF, and more.
Extensive ...

fastify/fastify: Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js
An efficient server implies a lower cost of the infrastructure, a better responsiveness under load and happy users. How can you efficiently handle the resources of your server, knowing that you are serving the highest number of requests as possibl...

Release v0.19.0: Column layouts, PDF and Docx exports · TypeCellOS/BlockNote
These packages have been published as @blocknote/xl-multi-column, @blocknote/xl-pdf-exporter and @blocknote/xl-docx-exporter. We're 100% committed to developing all our work open source. To ensure we run a sustainable project, we are experimenting...